Welcome to the launch of Vikash Visuals and the first journal update, of many to come.

My name is Vikash Parbhoo.
Vikash meaning splendour in Sanskrit; one of the oldest known languages in the world and the classical language of India and Hinduism.
I created Vikash Visuals to express my interest, foremost passion and dedication towards architecture, visualisations and photography.
The site shares extracts of work from my studies as well as freelance visuals and photography work of mine, which is constantly being developed and explored. This section of my page explores creative and design-related ideas, reviews of places I have had the opportunity to view and experience, as well as anything new which I am working on and conceptualising.

Where it all started
I grew up with a strong interest in design, from arbitrary forms to simple houses. Through many scribbles on pieces of scrap paper, building small models with cardboard and eventually purchasing a drawing board, I ended up pursuing architecture as a profession.
My journey began at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, in Cape Town South Africa, where I completed my 3-year National Diploma and 1-year Bachelors in Architecture, at the end of 2016. One year of that comprised of a paid internship in 2014, which I completed at dhk architects. Following the completion of my undergraduate studies, I was fortunate enough of being employed at dhk architects in 2017. I was eager to advance my studies; which lead me to complete my Honours in Architecture in 2018 and my Master of Architecture in 2019, both at the prestigious University of Cape Town.
Creating Vikash Visuals
This site initially stemmed from my passion for photography. I have worked on a number of freelance projects alongside indoor and outdoor events. This developed into various experimental projects; one of which being the floating fruit project, below.
The latter, related to architecture specifically, progressed into conceptual ideas and projects of mine which I would test and forget about. However, the idea of taking this skill further came to mind, of creating somewhat photo-realistic representations and visuals of my ideas and concepts. These visuals sparked an interest to challenge myself; to test various scenes, lighting effects, realistic materials, planting and more – all combining principles and parameters used both in architecture and photography to create sets of eye-catching visualisations.
Click to enlarge
I intend to merge my knowledge and principles of architecture with photography, creating beautiful and well-orchestrated visualisations which prompt for eye-catching stories.
This is only the beginning.
However, I hope that my work may inspire and interest you to allow an idea or vision of yours to be visualised into something real. I look forward to sharing more ideas as well as expressing my interest in architecture and all things visually pleasing.
If you have a concept in mind, an idea which you would like to be developed, visualised or if you would like to share some wisdom on my work, then please do not hesitate to contact me through the contact form or any of the social platforms available.
Enjoy this journey with me!
Yours in Visuals,
Photos: Vikash Parbhoo